■ In thelaft place I took a bilefeviewoflhpir behaviour abroad ; in the Woil d - where' they were ftriving who fliould *bc.:.forcmoft in get^ . ting of offices and places of profit; fo imploycd they were in enriching themfdves,and building their orvn houfes-, as that theylittle mindeckhe boufeejG od. . And as lor M t.S tu c le^ he was fo entangled with the world as that it took up agreat part of his time every Week,which fhould have been fpen.t in the worke.of the miniftry, contrary to that of the Apoftle, ■.%Tim* 2.4. So troubled he was about many things, as that he very much negle&ed that one thing needfull, the feeding of the flock,— He feemed to me to be led captive by a mbit ion and covctoufncfje, which made him more ctafty and politick then could (in my Judgment) ftand with the Sim ­ plicity' o f the Gcfpi/1: So .that Tyqueftioned whether or no, he had not. applied .himfelfe' to the ftudie of wifedome , onely for her left hand bkflings of riches and honor. .