v ^ ' T - V <7 * ^ ; berty of affenting otdiffentingi of arguingsoft .'•; debating any matter propofed, whether men or women: I f women Svere denied _ the liberty, of /peaking, how could they declare their Expertcnces: y e z A .P * was kept off for rehifing this.. •• - :. • 'a . . It is felfe that I took, the liberty of [pea-- king, it wasTnot only given»me, but tne liberty o f being ftlent was denied me, and that by Mr-^fac/fjrliimfelfe, who would fend for me the meetings,* even; then, when there was never a woman of the Church but myfelfe: and after­ wards many " times he would fingle me out in the' meetings, and urge me very earneftty to dedare my judgment in reference to what had been propofed. • ' ‘ , 3. As :to my contending for mmens [pea­ king, by my former Anfwers it appeares, that Mr Stucley hath little reafon to charge me with it, unleffe he expe&ed that I fliould be as fickle as himfelfe, in taking up, and laying down opinions and pra£ti[es, as they fuitedwith, or thwarted his humeur’znd intcrejl.