' . . (I0T) weight of this Ordinance, and fcheprfttojifnfcffG ofl f/fUis forWhidi Chrift did SweAt,8letd'atid:fdMd, ifor lyhkh hee ever livcs to make irirerrtfliMrVx^frtibey: gpoivchc Report of one partie without Ejmnlo&ijkm** give fucb advice in a corner? thc;Lord lay nbtthis fi«; to.'Sheir; ehargtj YTis not the. firll time that faum hgth made iufc of fuch *wjf?r«» f^ i^yGhriIV:faw hiidj matPder. <&c 'Xconfdfe ;it woiiM havti been; mow ea-r f fily Jxw:oe,iftfteyJiaclbemYticHns have notJujoWnetheiFdthSr, tsori tbo jLord^ir/kf.yithat had gitfeq this; wicked advke bnttfaat it Ihoulllfcoms from 'them,; who have ( or at lealt pretend to)morc *cqmrni&itct\ mtb.Chrtft thcnothers,., this i$''a^thcVirieger-.wd the> G4lti V v-■! I 1 :! '•< > .’ -g vA.C^r^«47. Irt theIaft place tiec; gives the tvovld a. Catalogue of fyi'figdtfamaiioqs'y 'fpojten by fricev fince, m y S»fpe»f)onA '\ •' •.*’<*: t v.-.;! :; v> t v \ 1 1RifoL? A i i f o f f ) t h o f e lying .defamations^ X « i n A v e r -