The facts of Charles Dodgson's life are succinctly summarised by Ivor Ll. Davies in his Jabberwocky (1976) article 'Archdeacon Dodgson':

Born on 27 January 1832 Lewis Carroll, or Charles Lutwidge Dodgson as he was christened, therefore spent the first eleven years at Daresbury, where, according to his nephew and first biographer Stuart Dodgson Collingwood: 'Mr Dodgson from the first used to take an active part in his son's education' (1898, p. 22). Mrs Dodgson was also involved, as her son's small notebook chronicling his reading with his mother reveals.' According to this he read Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress in February and March 1839 and went on to The Cheapside Apprentice, in

whichAnneClarknotestheextremedisreputeofthetheatre(1979,p.16). Whilsthisyoungsonwasengagedinthispurposefulreading,Dodgson seniorwasimmersedinwhatwastobethemostmonumentalundertaking ofhisentirelife.