As every humane body (deare Countrey men) how whole some soever; is notwithstanding subject, or at least naturally inclined to some sorts of diseases, or infirmities: so is there no Common-wealth, or Body-politicke, how well governed, or peaceable soever it be, that lackes the owne popular errors, and naturally inclined corruptions: and therefore is it no wonder, although this our Countrey and Common-wealth, though peaceable, though wealthy, though long flourishing in both, be amongst the rest, subject to the owne naturall infirmities. We are o f all Nations the people most loving, and most reverently obedient to our Prince, yet are we (as time hath often borne witnesse) too easie to be seduced to make Rebellion upon very slight grounds. Our fortunate and oft proved valour in warres abroad, our heartie and reverent obedience to our Princes at home, hath bred us a long, and a thrice happie peace: Our peace hath bred wealth: And peace and wealth hath brought forth a generall sluggishnesse, which makes us wallow in all sorts o f idle delights, and soft delicacies, the first seeds o f the subversion o f all great Monarchies. Our Cleargie are become negligent and lazie, Our Nobilitie and Gentrie prodigall, and sold to their private delights, Our Lawyers covetous, Our Common people prodigall and curious; and generally all sorts o f people more carefull for their private ends, than for their mother the Common-wealth.