C U R T I U S. W ith as much Kindnefs my approach he faw As could be challeng’d by a Son-in-Law : But me, he hath not by a treafön feen, Which had unworthy his allyance been. I quit not Alba, by adoring you, But keep my paflion, and my honour too; And all the War, your Curtins hath not been A better Lover then a Citizen ; Nor to his Countries Caufe could Love prefer, But whilcft he figh’d for you, he Fought for her. And if we muft that fad conteft renew, I (till muft fight for her, and figh for you. Yes, and in fpight o f all my paffions charms, Did the War laft, I fhould be now in Arms. But anew Peace gives me this frecaccefs, And ’tis to that, we owe this happinefs.