zo 'PQEfifS. For I ( thanks to Sdburras Letters) knew How to diftinguifh twixt the falfc and true. But t oppofethere as mad a thing would be As ’tis to contratlici a Presby t’ry. ’Tis Spanifb though, (quothA pen what you pleafe : For him that fpoke it ’tmightoe Bread and Cheelc. So foftly moves the Bark which none controuls, As are themeetings of agreeing Souls : And the Moon-bearfis did on the water play, As if at Midnight 'twould create ä Qay. The amorous W ave that (har'd in luch difpence Expreft at once delight and reverence. Such trepidation we in Lovers fpye Under th’ oppretlion of a Mi ft reis eye. But then the W ird fo high did rife and roar, Some vow’d they’d never truft the traitor more. Behold the fate that all our Glories fweep, W rit in the dangerous wonders o f the Deep : And yet behold Man’s eafic folly more, How foon we curfe what erft wc did adore. Sure he that firft himfelf did thus convey, Had fome ftrong pafliog^iat he would obey. The Bark wrought h a ifjb u t found it was in vain T o make its party good againft the Main, Tofs’d and retreated, till at laft we fee She muft befaft if ere (he fiiould be free. W e gravely Anchor caft, and patiently Lie prifoners to the weather’s cruelty. W e had nor W ind nor Tyde, nor ought but Grief, T ill a kind Spring-tifle was our firft relief. Then wc float merrily, forgetting quite T he fad confinement o f the ftormy night. E ’re we had loft thefe thoughts, we ran aground, And then how vain to be feenre we found. Now they were all furpriz'd. W e ll,if we muft, Yet none (hall fay that duft is gone to duft. But we are off now, and the civil Tide Aflifted us the Tempefts tö out-ride.