AChofcn Privacy, a cheap Content,And all the Peace a Friend/hip ever lent,A Rock which civil Nature made a Seat,A W illow that repulfes all the heat, The beauteous quiet o f a Summer’s day, A Brook which fobb’d aloud and ran away, Invited my Rjcpofe, and then confpir’d T o entertain my Phancic thus retir’d. As Lucian s Ferty-man aloft did view The angry World, and then laugh’d at it to o : So all its füllen Follies feem to me But as a too-well a&ed Tragedy. One dangerous Ambition doth befool, Another Envies to fee that man Rule One makes his Love the Parent o f his Rage, For private Fiiendlhip publickly t'engage And fomefor Confcienac, fomefoi Honour die •, And fome are meanly kill’d they know not why. More different then mens faces are their ends, Whom yet one common Ruine can make Friends. Death, Duft and Darknefs they have only won, Aftd haftily nnto their Periods run. Death is a Leveller ; Beauty, and Kings, And ConquerGürs1, and all thofe glorious things, Are tumbled to their Graves in one rude heap, Like common duft as quiet and as cheap. At greater Changes who would wonder then, Since Kingdoms have tjiejr Tates as well as men ? They muft: fall ftqk and die ; nothing can be In this. WorlrJ certain, brut uncertainty. Since Pow’ r and Greamefy are fuch flippery things, W ho d pity Cottages, or envy Kings ? Now leaft ofall, when, treary of deceit, The World no longer flatters with the Great.