Ig"i"fJ PNrg4tory. I bJe) t()rmulIS? Thus far S.AN-{lill, whofe iudgment herein many other Fathers follow.

SIt;nt G,l!.()ry thus ddateth of the fame point : D() millt, IIf ill f"r()'t'e tN6 IlrgNas me &c. LordJdo Itot (hili/jet ~ in thy fury, nor rtbllKI mf in Ih) Inger.l knoll <tPelt, th", ItfItr thf ma of this Iyft flme me"s PfJlltS shalbl tXpided & purged Jry the jl4ltJtI of P"rg4tory; olhers shall vlIJergDc the mlell(( ~f (/(rIl41/ dA",IIAlioll_ N e"erlh(kfl~ ,bultNjt J do firm-"helielle,lhat 1rt1lljit()r}fJer II) he more jllfolfmlhle, Ihm A"} Ir/bll/4tion in IhiJ ~orld; thlTeore 11 hir n II0t 0"/'1 'n III I () be

s. Thom"l~f A'llltnI. +/tnl. d'lO,,!,1 Art. 2. doth not only fubfcribe [0 the iudgmen[ 0 the former Fatheri 'lD this point; but he alfo fl,lrther

D)~in[ayneth, that the leaR payne 10 Pllrg.'Oty 15 gte,uer &. Plore infupportclble" then dae greaten torment in this

,,-gainJi Purgatory. 19 \world; And yet not with. fianding all this I we obfl:ruc dally, that men are not a· fray4 to cOlemne thore moR infufferablc torments in Pur-,'!,a/Q,y I who cannot endure far le{fl.: paines in this world. But thIs is the blindnes of mans corruption ~ which is much to be deplored in this our vale of Teares.