This chapter argues that the presentist perennism subgroup has been engendered by the advent of postmodernity. It explains two forms of rationality in the development of modernity, as formulated by C. Castoriadis, and considers their involvement in postmodernity. The Theosophical Society has engendered Aquarian perennism, while Occultism has inspired neo-paganism. Presentist perennists are not connected to a specific esoteric movement but have grown out of a cultural shift in industrial societies. Presentist perennism, even though it borrows electively from earlier esotericism, is to be understood as an expression, in the field of spirituality of emergent post-industrial or post-modern culture. People involved in perennism find great inspiration from popular culture, and while New Age is not a hyper-religion such as Jediism and Matrixism, it nevertheless borrows extensively from popular culture. The vampire can be attractive to fans because of its embodiment of power, and can be a source of inspiration for perennists.