The word [ ... ] derives from the famous sect of the Cynics [ ... ] Here he [Thomas] found a name for his political credo that was more exact, less confusing and also less objectionable than the others which can be formed with the general expression 'antifascism' [ ... ] The Cynics followed the tenets of Socrates and placed ethics and the active practice of virtue above formalised deistic cults; for them, there was no such thing as a stranger or foreigner amongst their fellow humans. (SdD, pp. 42-43i

Using the Gennan and the Italian editions of Emil Ludwig's interviews with Mussolini, we would like to present our readers with a small selection [ ... J of the Fascist art of translation. First however we feel bound to express our astonishment that Rome did not find the original Gennan submissive enough. You still hadn't bowed deep enough, poor Emil Ludwig. And yet you meant to bow so nice and low. We on the other hand had already been sickened by the odour your bowing and scraping gave off in the Gennan edition.9