New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) has become the most captivating of these numerous ideas, and perhaps the most promising in terms of strategy and potential to improve Africa's economic condition. This chapter discusses the investment promotion role of NEPAD and its difference from past development thinking about Africa's problems. It discusses NEPAD's strategy for realizing investment flows into Africa, some of the NEPAD's institutional weaknesses, and the repercussions thereof in realizing the NEPAD objectives. The chapter also highlights the potential implications of NEPAD to the regional integration plan in Africa. Taking into account the supposed political clash between NEPAD and the African Union (AU) the chapter discusses possible ways of restructuring NEPAD to enable it to function better as an investment promotion strategy. NEPAD has tremendous capacity to significantly increase the level of foreign direct investment inflows into Africa. Finally, neither the NEPAD secretariat nor the staff has held themselves out as the panacea to Africa's problems.