Aimee und Jaguar is the title shared by a text and, subsequently, a film that opens up a field of representations of lesbian sexuality and Jewish identity in Germany. Both of these markers of identity are perceived as belonging to separate regimes of discourse, which are usually discussed with discrete politico-historical terms and in independent contexts. This chapter examines some examples of the reception of the text to see how the identities constructing the narrative are interpreted and to what end. It traces in two pieces of writing from the German-Jewish community: the first is the Nachwort by Erica Fischer in the original 1994 edition of the text; and, second, it considers Esther Dischereit’s review of the film, which appeared in the Swiss newspaper, Die Wochenzeitung, in May 1999 under the title: ‘Zum Film Aimee und Jaguar: das Protokoll einer Liebe in Berlin 1943. Von Liebe, Prostitution und Widerstand’.