‘Theology’ also may be found in the context of ‘religious studies’, so both ‘philosophy of religion’ and ‘theology’ are contested notions, as indeed is ‘religion’. A quite different perspective on the relationship between philosophy and theology was connected with Donald MacKinnon, a Scottish Episcopalian layman. He was tutor in philosophy in Oxford before he returned to Aberdeen as professor of moral philosophy, and was then appointed to a chair in divinity in Cambridge. Philosophy of religion in mainland Europe may be found in one form or another in a variety of locations, and be characterized by analytic or non-analytic methods and topics, though the analytic is much less common. Unique to the USA has been the mode of philosophy of religion often referred to as ‘anti-evidentialism’, especially advanced by Calvinist philosophers of religion since the late 1970s, most notably by Alvin Plantinga and Nicholas Wolterstorff.