The only organization in the nineteenth century which can be compared with the European Economic Community is the Zollverein, the customs union which linked nearly all the German states between 1834 and 1871. In time the members of both Zollverein and the European Community extended the range of activities on which they were prepared to co-operate. While the European Economic Community was, from first, a permanent institution the original Zollverein treaties ran for only 8 years, subsequent renewals being for 12 years. The founders of European Economic Community realized from first that in drawing up a constitution they should take account of public opinion. The European Economic Community has not been as successful as Zollverein in dealing with currency problem. A survey of the fortunes of the Zollverein and the European Economic Community and of other customs unions in past suggests that once a start has been made with the integration of several economies the union cannot stand still.