Translation based on 'The Anonymous Narrative' in W. B. Greenlee, The Voyage of Pedro Alvares Cabral to Brazil and India. This account of Cabral's famous voyage in 1500– 1, during which he made the accidental discovery of Brazil, was written in Portuguese by a man who accompanied the fleet, but it survives only in Italian versions, the first of which was published in Vicenza in 1507. This narrative shows the impact that Vasco da Gama had made in eastern Africa. The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama and his Viceroyalty Gaspar Correia sets out the dilemma of Vasco da Gama's second voyage of 1502–3 which faced the Portuguese operating in the East. Hans Mayr was a German seaman who accompanied Francisco de Almeida's fleet in 1505. He wrote one of the fullest first-hand accounts of the early Portuguese voyages to the East to have survived, and his narrative is all the more important for not being written by an official.