In the 1990s Mark Blackburn published two magisterial surveys of the English coinage and currency under Henry I (1100-35) and in the reign of Stephen (1135-54), which have served as a foundation of all subsequent work in the subject.1 e coinage of the rst two Norman kings, William I (1066-87) and William II (1087-1100), received attention in Michael Dolley’s brief book on e Norman Conquest and the English Coinage in 1966, and in the work of Philip Grierson and Michael Metcalf on Domesday Book and the Paxs type in the 1980s, but the study of the English monetary system under William I and William II is still heavily dependent upon George Brooke’s British Museum Catalogue (BMC) of the Anglo-Norman coinage, published as long ago as 1916.2 It is the aim of this chapter to attempt to emulate Mark Blackburn’s two survey papers with an up-to-date review of the English coinage in its historical context between 1066 and 1100.