This chapter identifies the 'progress' indicators as reported by individuals who perceived themselves as being in the process of getting out of deviance. Two series of interviews were conducted with a nine-month interval, with clients of a rehabilitation centre offering non-medical detoxification services, rehabilitation and community follow-up to the homeless, alcoholics and drug addicts. The respondents made reference to several areas generally used in evaluative research: consumption, residential and financial stability, social relationships and mental health. The respondents made reference to original outcome indicator in the social sphere, that of the rediscovery of a social status, if not citizenship itself. The new way of viewing life takes different forms: rebuilding one's life, forgetting death; rediscovering the pleasures of life; discovering one's self. Programme evaluators would then be more able to take the objectives pursued by clients and their providers into consideration by following the stages of the clients' reintegration process.