Population growth: Clearly, Planet Earth cannot support an unlimited number of people simply because its resources are limited. Yet the population growth over the last 60 years has been unprecedented. From 2.5 billion to over 6.8 billion and currently continuing to grow at an estimated 80 million people a year. Half of the existing population is under 24 years old – with significant fertility potential. There are increasing concerns that Planet Earth is already dangerously close to the human population limits and its resources are already being overtaxed. Climate change: The growth of human civilisation has taken place over the last 10,000 years in a period of relative climatic stability since the end of the last ice age. This stability has allowed the increase in food production, which has in turn allowed the rapid development of technologies. However, the stability of the climate is now changing due to human activity. Sustainable energy supplies: The sustainability of the energy sources that power human civilisation over the last 200 years are under threat. A major source of energy, particularly for food production and transportation, is oil. Yet the supplies of easily accessible oil are finite and cost-effective supplies may have already reached their peak production. The challenge of energy is therefore to develop alternative supplies which are not only in sustainable supply, but which won’t further contribute to Climate Change within the limited timeframes available.