KEY WORDS: corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainabi]ity, spiral dynamics, value systems,


ABBREVIATIONS: CS - Corporate Sustainability; CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility; ECSF - European Corporate Sustainability Framework; SRI - Socially Responsible Investing-; ·vNO-NCW - Dutch Employers Association; W).lCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development

1. Introduction

In academic debates and business environments hundreds of concepts and definitions have been proposed referring to a more humane, more ethical, more transparent way of doing business. This point in time is an important if not critical moment in the development process of new generation business frameworks facilitating

Marcel van Marrewijk is the initiator and project ma11a.~er of the international EU-finatlCed ECSF research pr~iert. The project is lead by ERRS B V, an affiliate of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Van Marrewi;k is also director of the Great Place to Work Institute Nederland.