This book explores what Black women's talk can contribute to our understanding of hybridity. It shows how thinking through hybridity helps us to think 'race', a politics of skin and community. The book insists that awareness of discursive positioning, translation as reflexivity and addressivity are important in theorizing hybridity in interaction. It focuses on hybridity as a strategic identificatory performance that arose in the talk, and emphasizes that contexts of racialization are significant in terms of theorizing hybridity. What a hybridity of the everyday enables us to see is that speakers treat whiteness and Blackness as partial hegemonies susceptible to resistance and transformation. The book also shows that in life-stories new addressivities, an identification of different from the same, becomes known through the telling. In talk, performativity becomes a part of 'difference from the changing same' as 'race' is replayed simultaneously as a constraint and the site of agency in the emergence of Black womanhood.