An Apologic of the of t~t :arpoal£S,[)~ tl)e tclltilloaics of tl)~ coUJoHque :Jfatl)tta ) ani) bp tIJI? £}:aWl1~ pIn} of nHlll~ agcs,bc but a certain rage (If futiOua anD maO mm,anlJ a confpn;iI tic ofljct£tikt5. {([l)iG tl)(tdo~e ts oure lBdi(ffe. , W B B I! La EVE tl):Jt tbtre is olle Ut~ tamE nature Anl) ~tumc pottler; lDIJtclJe mc( call GOD: ann tl]Rt tIJ£ fame IS biul~fll into tl}tcc equaup£c(OllS, into p fatl)ct,luto tbc ~ol1n)anilllJto tlJ£ ~o~ Ip c:D1)oll£, anll tlJat tlJcp aU be of o'Ulne PQ\l1ct)of olle ~9nidht,Of 011£ (Utllltie, of on( G50111}Ell,Rni.l of oae fubllacc.Jlull altljougl) tl)cfc tl/teqm.:l'ons be fo i.lmb i)eO,tbnt mtt~(t tl}£ 1iltlJCt is tOe fonne, 110~ tlJc fonn is tt}e 1)01)! C5 I} oft o~ ti)e jar tljer ,~et tlW£tU}CIES Ulee bcl feu£ p tgtte la but one llH~P c.601l. ~nb tt)at tlJe fame one C5oi) I}utl) crcaw) I)HlUC antJ eattl], anO at tlJingcs tOntai nellimllet ~caum. . tIDce bdc(ue t~at I B S V s <lC~t,a( ~ onc!p $\olln£ oftbe cternall jfatlJ£t (as IOtll oclo~e It \\las iJU£tllltmo O£fo~£ all