r(b ~~lJfti) tottp~out 1f1l'. flame ftutl!Jft~ tl;Je .]taJpan tonge, a~ tompttng tlJ£ rene tl)fteof,tol}au£ bene ro~£n in barapne,lmfruttful grountJe( [pns <11500 tgftfbp is no ltJbptte magnifpcO)] baue at t~e lall,petc£iuen it nt1' butp to p~oue I}owe l1luc~e tbe bntJcrllannpnge of poute 1l1pll,couiD hlo~ckt ttl me to1uatlles tbe accomplpfl}pnge of tbe famc.31nD fo~ tbat 1 baue lutl knotnen poUt ebpft oeUgbt,to rdt in tbc tJ£firopllge of man b,,6 glo~ tpe, ann e,taltpnge hlbolp tl)e glo: tp of (5oD!wbpctJ map not be bU1 leG tne acknowleDge t~at be , botf}