Chlr'che of'£ngT:tnC:k; tfJct of benefices, tak£ts bpon tb(mf{~ P~ill'C9 ilUll rum of l.l.1arrc( lWtll tiJe ~b~ bones t~e tDop~s Deere llathl1g~s lunge tl)ot monlu fo~ a tl)ccfc, toijicl) laoourctfJ not fo~ lJts liutng 1 ana rUilt It is ~atnlt allltl\l:)(~to fuff(t fud}£ a 00£ to Hue ann to be founn £it~e& tn cirie o~ ill CQUlltttc, o~ pet of otlJC.t mc~ncs; .clJ'lt~tS ( ~~ ds tl)Clt n montic ought to Ipe (J.n tlJe (\toiiil, to hue l)lltillp nml) IJ£atbcs anD pca(ollj to nutJp eatmUlp~ to argue, to P~ilP£, to