Yoga is one of the most ancient philosophical, psychological and scientific disciplines known. Yoga is so multi-faceted that it has something for everyone. In the West, Yoga has been understood in different ways, each catering to the interests of people with varying dispositions. In his book Superconscious Meditation Dr Usharbudh Arya distinguishes between Hollywood Yoga, Harvard Yoga and Himalayan Yoga. Hollywood Yoga, as its name suggests, caters to those whom popular slang describes as the 'beautiful people'. Scientists wish to educate people, informing them of the influence of Yoga practice on the transformation of a human being. In the West, these curiosity seekers practise a form of Yoga that has been modified to cater to their fashionable interests. Himalayan Yoga is the true and authentic Yoga. Himalayan Yoga is based upon an ancient book, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.