The text of the Yoga Sutras is constructed in a unique way called the sutra style. Literally, a Sutra means a rope or a thread. Philosophically, a Sutra means a statement or an aphorism, which holds within itself the essential elements or quintessence of a theory. Patanjali, who adopted this style, conveys the essential knowledge of the entire system of Yoga through 196 aphorisms or Sutras. These 196 Sutras are presented in the four parts of the text called the Yoga Sutras. The Samadhipada, consists of 51 Sutras. The last Sutra is plainly saying that when the practice of Yoga is undertaken seriously, one will be rewarded with nirbija samadhi, which means that all fluctuations of the mind will be stilled and there will be no seeds of disturbance left as residues. The Sadhanapada, consists of 55 Sutras. The vibhutipada is the longest part consisting of 56 Sutras.