The Creator appeared in the form of a Wandjina — mouth and chest shrouded in mist, the head surrounded by circles of lightning and cloud, his gown a curtain of rain — as a Raingod. When be made the wullumarra, the long-necked sweetwater turtle, he put a small Wandjina figure, his own image, into the jaw and neck bones of the turtle. Humans would always be Wandjina according to the model plan-of-his-vision, his creative projection. Individual Wandjina people were directed to shelters within subdivisions of the region. All Wandjina sites are wunggud, places of concentrated Earth power. There is never a cave, a painting site, without a wunggud water. If the painting cave is high on a bluff, the wunggud water may be at the foot of the cliff. Wandjina caves and wunggud pools are the doorways to the spirit regions.