H Horvath, Fuggetlensef!, p. 362; Supka, Marciusi, pp. 177-79; Karolyi, Torvenycikk, p. I 06; H HStA, A!inisterrats Protokol/, l Y-Y, April 26, 1848. Astutely, the Imperial proclamations under which Austrian forces invaded Hungary had assured the peasants that ncne of their recent gains would be menaced by the outcome of the operations. See HHStA, Nachlass Sc/11rar::l'nberg, November 4, 1848. The extent of peasant loyalty to the Habsburgs is shown in their statement made for the bendit of liberal agitators in a province of Austria. They said: "We will live and die for our Emperor." HHStA, Ministerrat Protokoll, V, May 12, 1848.