We had a very pleasant visit to the Cunliffe Listers although the last two days were rather rough. Our fellow guests were Col & Mrs Hannay, she being Sir Philip’s sister, the Margessons & Capt & Lady Evelyn Beauchamp. We liked the Hannays very much. They were simple and pleasant though she doesn’t seem to have much to her brother’s brains. Margesson1 is now M.P. for Rugby where I spoke for him just before the election. I like him and her but she doesn’t please everyone and neither the Hannays nor our children could abide her. As for Lady Evelyn she is a daughter of Ld Carnarvon and I thought she would be very interesting on Int-an-Khamer but she doesn’t seem to have any mind. A nasty, little, common, painted, bandy legged baggage I call her, and the children evidently thought so too. Thus early are our youngsters being initiated into the world. The C-L’s have 2 boys one of whom is at school with Frank and he & Dorothy enjoyed themselves mightily and won all hearts with their good looks and charming manners.