The trend in leadership practice from the traditional deterministic approach (e.g. oligarchic) to a more non-deterministic approach (e.g. polyarchic) is matched in the trend in science. An understanding of this scientific evolution, as well as how chaos theory and complexity science can work, lays a good foundation for Complex Adaptive Leadership to be practised skilfully. Relativity theory shows how deterministic rules which contradict each other can coexist – it is not a case of ‘either/or’, but ‘both/and’. Quantum mechanics shows how underlying reality is uncertain and non-deterministic – so reality is a paradoxical and seemingly chaotic dynamic between deterministic and non-deterministic forces. Chaos mathematics shows how chaos has an underlying order and patterns which can be used to good effect. The key concepts include strange attractor (e.g. butterfly effect), universality, fractals and bifurcations. Complexity science shows that complexity has an inherent and underlying simplicity. The key concepts include: self-organisation (made up of far from equilibrium state, open feedback and complex connections), inter-relatedness, adaptiveness and emergence. Post-normal science proposes that, when times are complex and decision stakes are high, a wider dialogue with key stakeholders is critical. Leaving decisions to a talented few is dangerous.