By the end of 2014, the retain quantity of automatic vehicles in China reached 264 million, so how to reduce traffic jams and traffic accidents has become one of the important issues in urban development. Therefore, an IOV emerges as time requires. IOV is an integrated network which can realise the intelligent traffic management, intelligent information service and intelligent control of vehicles. The fast development of the IOV industry needs the support of large quantities of industrial technology innovations. Due to the high risk of technology development and unstable market conditions, the knowledge stock of any enterprise cannot meet the need of the technological innovation of the IOV industry. Therefore, establishing the technological innovation alliances and making up knowledge gap through cooperation with other enterprises becomes the main strategy of the IOV enterprise. As the forerunners of technological innovation of the IOV, Cisco and NXP announced their strategic investment to Cohda Wireless on June 5 2013. Then an IOV technological innovation alliance was set up among Cisco, NXP and Cohda Wireless. The main purpose of this alliance is to enable research and development of the IOV system, to realise the information exchange between cars and take action to avoid car accidents at emergency time, so as to to to improve the driving safety level.