The bent finger becomes a hook, the hollow of the hand a bowl; in the sword, spear, oar, shovel, rake, plow, and spade one observes sundry positions of arm, hand, and fingers, the adaption of which to hunting, fishing, gardening, and field tools are readily apparent. (Carl Mitcham.pp23-24)

Because it states about particular tools such as sword, spear, oar, shovel, rake, plow, spade, etc., I take “organ projections” as an ontology theory of technology. Engineering philosophy of technology to a large extent adheres to the traditional ontology of technology. With the rise of humanities philosophy of technology in the 20th century, critique of technology is increasing. From the perspective of “social politics”, “philosophy of phenomenology”, “cultural and anthropology”, humanities philosophy of technology criticises technology from multiple dimensions of technology value, technology and culture, social impact of technology. Technology proposition, technology knowledge, technology understanding, technology methods, technology foresight, technology rule, technology control, and so on, become the main territory of technology philosophy since the rise of logical and empirical analysis philosophy of technology in the sixties 20th century. During the turn on logical and empirical of philosophy of technology, technological explanation has become the main purport of technology philosophy. Then, what is the meaning of technological explanation? We think technological explanation belongs to technical epistemology or technical methodology. That is to say, with the logical and empirical turn


The logical and empirical turn of the philosophy of technology began with Mario Bunge when he applied three-valued logic in his Science Philosophy: now it is a main trend to use logical analysis and empirical demonstration methods in the study of technology philosophy. To make technology philosophy a branch of philosophy in 21st century in the true sense, we must use the method of practical reasoning into the structure and function of technical artefacts, and explain the relationship between the structure and function of an artificial object, in order to reveal the nature of technical artefacts.