Like adults, children may suffer from complicated grief. Children have many different reactions to grief. A child's grief reflects her or his current stage of development. Children may regress after a death. This chapter explores the use of humor, art, and music with dying and bereaved children. Social support can be exhibited in many ways. Grieving creates tension for children. Like art, music is also an excellent form of self-expression. Music affects one's mind and body. The Sociology of the Arts is the sociological study of people's appreciation of the aesthetic value of objects, actions, images, and sounds. The arts are an expression of the attitudes and values of the people toward important aspects of their lives. With the development of mass communications, mass media, mass education, and mass production, the quality, attitudes, and values of the artistic creations have dramatically changed. Much of art is useful. It is difficult to draw the line between the aesthetic and the utilitarian.