The effectiveness evaluation of the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in the didactics was mainly based on the experience & analysis (positivistic) methods, which accept that knowledge may be attributed only to the objective reality existing regardless of the values and beliefs the ones seeking to discover her. Methods of the physics and behavioral sciences are adopted, as well as objective forms of knowledge and deterministic acknowledgements for the human nature. As it shown in the international bibliography, the use of multiple methods of evaluation is more effective and the combinatorial use of quantitative and qualitative approaches confines their weaknesses (Brannen, 1995, Bryman, 1995, Patton, 1990, Retalis et al., 2005). That combination may bring out multiple applications of the ICT in the educational sector, thus contributing in a more “sufficient” evaluation of an application. According to Hubermas (1971), the final target of the ICT effectivity evaluation on the educational procedure must call for the examination and the evaluation of the three interests on knowledge: the technical (suggests the scientific opinion – experience & analysis example), the practical (the interpretation methods that offer knowledge that serves the “practical” interest on the understanding and interest) and “manumission” (offers the necessary critical and dialectical basis for the substantial connection between theory and action). Knowledge is the nucleus and around should orbit the evaluation procedure as well as the result of the human action that is defined by the physical needs and interests that lead and at the same time shape the way the knowledge is structured in several

human activities. It is more than obvious that all the above conclude to the fact that the evaluation targets and the interest for knowledge define the evaluation mode and its results (Carr and Kemmis, 1997, Hubermas, 1971, Retalis et al., 2005).