This chapter discusses four major themes of nonlinear psychoanalysis that seem likely to develop in coming years. The recognition that systems thinking required a new mathematics awaited the appreciation that the systems that are of interest are complex. Nonlinear psychoanalysis will need to extend its boundaries to include complexity theory. A second important area of nonlinear psychoanalysis in need of development concerns how general nonlinear theories relate to the particulars of psychological life. A third area of interest is the relationship between nonlinear psychoanalysis and psychoanalysis as the study of meaning making. A fourth area of advance in nonlinear psychoanalysis concerns empirical study of psychoanalysis. The researches presented in nonlinear psychoanalysis in many ways could be seen as part of an, albeit nonlinear, narrative of the author's family and professional community. The reflexive nature of the process both gives it its fascination and its nonlinear character.