This chapter describes a narrative of atmospheric explication by bringing Henri Lefebvre architectronics of space into the realm of the pneumatic. Lefebvre is clear that whether a space is abstract or contradictory hinges upon its relationship with the mode of production and its position relative to the class struggle. While air conditioning engineers and advertisers promised their clients the ability to not only increase but better predict and calculate their production, workers pushed back, exerting their agency to undermine and disrupt the abstraction of their workplace air. Lefebvre’s theorisations of space have been profoundly influential across—and controversial in—a range of disciplines. Lefebvre architectronics provide us with a methodology for uncovering just how it is that air is produced and the process by which it has come to be produced. The four key analytical headings for Lefebvre architectronics of space in The Production of Space are absolute space, abstract space, contradictory space, and differential space.