Primary goals of the parent-child model include: to provide necessary factual information; to explore sexual attitudes, feelings, and values; to promote positive self-esteem and acceptance of sexuality; to enhance parent-child 28communication on the topic of sexuality; and to strengthen the parent-child relationship. An advantage of the parent-child model is that parent and child are learning the facts and new communication skills together. Due to the differences in developmental abilities and informational needs, classes are generally designed for preadolescents (nine- to twelve-year-olds) and early adolescents (thirteen- to fifteen-year-olds). Adolescent classes cover, in greater detail, the same basic factual information and additional subjects more appropriate to teenagers. Breast and pelvic examinations, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy/parenthood, dating, birth control methods, and sexual decision-making are included in the adolescent curriculum. For many families, participation in the program marked the beginning of a more formal sexuality education process within the family.