In a world of unprecedented amplification and acceleration of changes, also the management must change in order to excel in the creation of value with and for the significant stakeholders. Increasingly, business-leaders resort to change-management programs, but, conceived and carried out with traditional approaches, most of them fail. The five principal management paradigm that integrate the platform of agile management: model of the 5 corporate capitals, the model of the 5 value-chains, the model of the Two Rings, the model of the return on total resources, and the reviews-evaluations-recognition system. Sustaining excellence in the creation of the business-value with and for the significant stakeholders is the main objective of the management. The program of agile management innovation helps the people to put it in practice, and to keep innovating themselves and their management. Innovating a collective mindset is ambitious, it is difficult, but it is necessary so as to create the culture of an agile enterprise.