Pomegranate belongs to the Punicaceae family. Scientific evidence has linked increasing consumption of pomegranate fruit to human health improvement due to its content of active phenolic compounds, which have potent pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-hypertension, and anti-inflammatory activities. The external and internal quality attributes of any fruit are crucial for consumer satisfaction and decision to repurchase. The quality of pomegranate fruit is determined by both internal and external quality attributes of fruit. The visual appearance of fruit plays an important role in marketability; it is determined by skin qualities of the fruit such as skin smoothness, shriveling, and physiological disorders. Husk scald is one of the main physiological disorders. Pomegranates require quite high “heat accumulation units” for high-quality fruit development, and therefore, they are cultivated in the warmest areas of the world under intense sunlight and rich solar radiation.