This chapter presents a case study of a 22-year-old man who is admitted to the Emergency Department with left-sided pleuritic chest pain. This man has a simple spontaneous pneumothorax that requires aspiration via an interpleural drain kit. The patient should be of sound mind, be able to retain this information long enough to arrive at a balanced decision and be able to communicate this. This is termed 'capacity' and encapsulated in the Mental Capacity Act. The legal process of capacity and consent to treatment in adolescents and children is different. In general, one needs to have the permission of their parent or those with parental responsibility for anyone under 18 years. In terms of best practice, consent in all patients under 18 years should be taken jointly with the parents and the young person and in line with the principles outlined for adults. Consent for most procedures should be written and require the signature of the parent or legal guardian.