In Mula, there are still wall stretches of the three enclosures that protected this city until the Renaissance. The first enclosure, the Alcazaba (citadel), is currently occupied by the Castle of Los Vélez (16th century), the second enclosure is the Albacar and the third one is the wall of the Madina, both of them are Islamic structures built in the 12th century. This paper describes the results of the historical, material and constructive analysis and the state of preservation of the enclosure of the Islamic Albacar, as well as the 3D volumetric reconstruction process of this walled ensemble. Based on the conclusions of this study, the full restoration, and most importantly, the musealization of the still standing Islamic wall stretches has been proposed, including the use of the cistern as an exhibition space, which ensures the conservation and enhancement of this heritage and cultural referent of Mula.