Application services offered by cloud service customers (CSCs) often rely on functional components offered as-a-service by cloud service providers (CSPs), like database-as-a-service and load-balancing-as-a-service. NFV Service Quality Metrics considers service quality of technology components offered as-a-service as well as virtual machine, virtual networking, and orchestration metrics. This chapter shows how technology-component-as-a-service (TcaaS) quality metrics defined by NFV Service Quality Metrics apply to functional-component-as-a-service (FCaaS) offerings that are used by CSCs. It shows FCaaS quality risks in the context of the cloud risk fishbone. As the FCaaS CSP is generally accountable for all causes of FCaaS service quality impairment, the CSC should select an FCaaS CSP who has both credible quality data demonstrating good service quality performance in the past and effective risk and quality management mechanisms in place to assure the feasibility and likelihood of delivering acceptable service quality in the future.