Cloud service customers (CSCs) operate software products to deliver valuable service to cloud service users. Those software products rely on virtualized compute, memory, storage, and networking service delivered by an infrastructure-as-a-service provider organization. Automated life cycle management services are delivered by a management and orchestration service provider organization based on data. This chapter applies standard concepts from ISO/IEC 25010, Product Quality Model, ISO/IEC 25012, Data Quality Model, and other authoritative quality references to consider service qualities. It explains fundamental quality concepts by introducing quality; defects, errors, failures, and incidents; service quality; and service-level objectives, specifications, and agreements. The chapter explores how a CSC's policies and plans translate into data that is processed by management and orchestration systems to automate life cycle management actions, and offers an integrated quality model for CSCs. It provides definitions and applicability of the data quality characteristics to both user service quality and CSC operational efficiency.