The sixth chapter presents six waste-to-energy (WtE) case studies in Asia, using data drawn from reports made by the author following his site visits. The case studies analyze the technical data and specifications, such as the capacity and type of input waste, combustion chamber conditions, steam parameters, electrical efficiency, flue-gas cleaning systems, bottom and fly ash treatment processes, stack emissions, etc., and consider basic financial data such as investment cost, gate/tipping fee(s), and feed-in tariffs on electricity, and are illustrated with photographs taken by the author.

The WtE plants under discussion include four in China (Suzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and Chongqing), visited by the author five years ago. In June of 2013 the author coordinated, a five-day intensive international course on WtE in Baku, Azerbaijan, therefore this chapter contains a thorough analysis of the new WtE plant there. Finally, the newest WtE plant in Jabalpur, India, operating since 2016, and the huge potential for WtE development in Indonesia, are discussed.