The Macedonian collection at National Museums Scotland (NMS) comes from the site of Chauchitza, also known as Causica, near the modern village of Pontoirakleia in the region of Kilkis. The preservation of the burial assemblages at NMS ensured their usefulness, along with those from other excavations, to the development of relative chronologies of objects from Macedonia. Robert Gaddie's discovery of the Iron Age grave groups and objects like the antenna sword increased interest in the site of Chauchitza, and Casson's subsequent excavations there led to further finds and a better understanding of the site. The most comprehensive publication of the NMS collection remains that of Klaus Kilian, who published archaeological drawings of 96 objects, mainly Iron Age bronze and gold, as part of his Europe-wide relative chronology. The collections provide the basis for further research which, along with future excavations, will continue to advance our knowledge of Macedonia's past.