This chapter presents the concept of digital forensics and an introduction into current digital forensic investigation process to build the reader's understanding of the discipline. It introduces an Internet of nano-things Forensics (IoNTF) investigation model for assisting and supporting reliable digital forensics investigations in nanoscale systems in the IoNT environment. From the above definition of IoNTF, the chapter identifies that the digital investigation process in the IoNT could be done in three digital forensics levels as follows: 1. Nanodevice forensics level 2. Internet forensics level 3. IoNT services/application forensics level. Recently, the advanced development of IoNT to provide new services and applications in several areas such as manufacturing, health care, industry, military, multimedia, and agriculture prompted attackers to launch new types of crimes and attacks against IoNT infrastructure. The chapter systematically presents the challenges and opportunities for the IoNTF field as well as the IoNTF investigation model for assisting and supporting reliable digital forensics in the IoNT environment.