A street drainage system consists of collection, conveyance, and storage facilities. The storage capacity in a street drainage system consists of sump areas, surface detention, and basin detention. This chapter discusses both street hydraulic conveyance capacity (SHCC) and street hydraulic storage capacity (SHSC) in the street drainage system. A street drainage system shall be designed to quickly remove stormwater from the traffic areas, care has to be taken because water flows on pavements can impose hydroplaning effects on cars to the level of traffic function becoming paralyzed. A curb-gutter unit is designed to guide the overland flows from the pavement into a concentrated flow in the gutter. Among various recommendations on street flow safety, two different criteria have been developed for the SHCC designs, including permissible VD product and discharge reduction factor. The street drainage system must be evaluated by both the SHCC for sloping street sections and the SHSC for depressed street sections.