Kanazi Palace heritage unfolded in other unexpected ways. Oral accounts led us outside the palace to other significant heritage sites in the region. One significant site is the burial estate of King Kahigi II, the first occupant of Kanazi Palace. As a major in the German army and a loyal and even patriotic follower of the German nation, Kahigi was singular amongst his contemporaries. Knowledge of Kahigi's presence within the Buchwankwanzi had been a well-concealed secret, as otherwise knowledgeable Hinda elders were unaware of its presence. In the later years of Petro Nyarubamba's reign, there was no investment in maintaining Kahigi's gashani or Buchwankwanzi. The heritage of Kanazi palace proper lies deeply embedded within the performance of religious ritual values inside the palace walls, while the more exposed public royal settings outside the palace walls are marked by an erosion of traditional heritage values, depreciated and replaced by Christian beliefs.