This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceeding chapters of the book. The book focuses on a conceptualisation of de-radicalisation as the analytical category and the theoretical object that has the capacity and purchase to map a coherent concept on to the phenomenon in the real world; a phenomenon which is unique in its conceptualisation and implementation in contradistinction to other places - one which is characterised by a diversity of terms and meanings, and a whole range of other family resemblances of associations; and which is also rife with the contradictions and paradoxes in both discursive and policy domains. It provides a concept that enriches the understanding of the phenomenon of de-radicalisation, to contextualise it, place it in place and time, and situate it within wider social and political relations. Conceptualising de-radicalisation as the technologies of the self emerged out of the limitations of the inductive method in making any ingress into conceptualising de-radicalisation.