This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book summarizes the contributions of Rorschach giants who pioneered methods for assessing disordered thinking with the Rorschach. It explains the empirical support, conceptual contributions, and clinical or practical utility of each system. The book focuses on four overlapping dimensions of disordered thinking: disorganization, illogicality, impoverishment, and disturbances in awareness of disturbed thinking and reality testing. The disorganization dimension provides a way of understanding deviant verbalizations (DVs) and deviant responses (DRs). The book discusses psychotic phenomena and disordered thinking associated with primary psychoses and secondary psychotic phenomena. It concerns psychotic manifestations and Rorschach literature pertaining to children and adolescents suffering from a range of diagnostic conditions similar to those in adults. The book also focuses on psychotic phenomena and disordered thinking associated with borderline psychopathology, trauma, and dissociative disorders.